EU citizen coming to Ireland for 1st time should not get a cent in SW ect?

Since this is LOS let me give my opinion here while keeping broadly related to the topic.

I think that social welfare of EU migrants should be paid from a central EU fund or from the country of your passport. This way each country bears the responsibility to create jobs at home for its citizens instead of wrecking their home economy and then trying to be a cute hoor and export the disenfranchised unemployed and their votes like our current government might be accused of

I also think that if this happens then the EU as a whole will become less Xenophobic and less racist. Any form of argument about welfare spongers will be rendered impotent plus noone with a racist agenda will be able to legitimately hijack immigration discussions with this constantly recurring topic. Neither will those who wish for unrestricted open borders be able to hysterically cry racist whenever someone meekly tries to raise the topic of how his taxes are spent. It could remove a lot of drama and emotional arguments from what at the end of the day is a legitimate part of the sum of how our taxes are spent. The practicalities are something for the governments to work out but I think its both fair and also offers some protection to smaller countries with low populations. We should not be washing our hands of our own unemployed anyway, forcing them away from their communities and families while hoping that other countries will pay for them as its basically immoral.
I see nothing wrong with putting east europeans who are signing on here to work on community schemes etc. That way they retain some pride and dignity and we won`t feel that they are sponging.

Why just Eastern Europeans? What's wrong with with getting the Irish to do so also?
I bet you lot were not complaining when the EU was feeding the gravy train for all your infrastructural needs over the last 15 years. The fact you so royally mismanaged them is the reason why you are up the creek now; it's pathetic to start blaming fellow European citiziens for claiming what are their lawful entitlements.

I would suggest making more sensible decisions in the future in regards to what politicians you elect and where you invest the money the EU gives you rather than start waving the euro sceptic flag, it makes you look rather silly now.

+1 to that - wherever you look, motorways, railroads etc. have been built or renovated from EU money ... the fact that Ireland cannot get grip on benefit fraudsters is not other EU citizens' problem ... it's the problem of a total chaos in the public service where the left hand doesn't know /and doesn't want to know/ what the right hand is doing