The tax on dividends from ETFs is 41% in all cases - it doesn't matter whether DWT is deducted or not
If it is then you get a credit for the tax paid abroad, up to the DTT limit (usually 15%) and can reclaim any over that from the foreign authorities.
As for Degiro, it is not clear to me what DWT the deduct.
For an Irish company, they deducted 25% DWT as I would have expected
I have a French company dividend due shortly, so it will be interesting to see what they deduct - I would expect 12.8% but who knows
It looks like they will deduct 26.5% which is the income tax & social security tax rate for a French resident - as a non-resident, the rate should be 12.8%
They have a web page related to DWT tax
They say that the tax can sometimes be deducted before they receive the dividend and sometimes they deduct it. As it depends on the type & source of the income payer and the type and residence of the income receiver, I imagine it is difficult to have the correct amount deducted in all, if not most, cases