ESRI: 17% of people receiving rent support from taxpayer are in top half of earners!

64% or the majority of Dublin city council tenants are in arrears, more than half owe more than €500, which would represent in most case more than 2 months rent.
Why would you pay for something that you can get for free by, well, just not paying for it?
Because they are taking legal action against the worst arrears cases now? It seems council did not in recent years, but if that changes, then there will be more of a "stick". It is possible to lose your eligibility to social housing entirely in this way and its not where anybody wants to be.
I wouldn't hold my breath. If the mob protests to help bankrupt developers keep their homes they'll be up in arms when "the vulnerable" are being turfed out.
It'll never happen, I could write the headlines now, and it would just add more ,nonsense in an Ireland that still thinks landlords, including governments are there to be abused.