Enda and the Pretenders


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So Enda has announced he will deal conclusively with the matter when he returns from America.

Everyone seems to think that he will announce a time table for his resignation.

Perhaps he will simply announce that Simon is to be Tanaiste, with support to succeed before the next election, and Leo is out in the cold for his temerity.

I think there may shortly be a vacancy for a troupe of coffin dancers.
Trying to turn a bob on my supposed insight. I got this

"Thank you for contacting Paddy Power Customer Support.

Our trading department has informed me that we can offer the below on your selection:

7/1 for Enda Kenny to still be FG leader on September 1st 2017."

Seems like good value to me.
I think it's clear Enda will announce he will be stepping down when he comes back from Washington. Which begs the question, why are we sending someone half-way out the door to meet The Donald?
Methinks The Donald may also be half-way out the door ?
Then we will have Mr Pence to deal with , I think maybe Donald would be a better option if half of what is printed about Mr Pence is true.
What odds Donald and Enda both in place In Sept ?
From Paddy Power on Tuesday

"Our trading department has informed me that we can offer the below on your selection:

7/1 for Enda Kenny to still be FG leader on September 1st 2017."

While I think this represents good value, I wont be taking it up.
I think it's clear Enda will announce he will be stepping down when he comes back from Washington. Which begs the question, why are we sending someone half-way out the door to meet The Donald?

Now its April and Enda still has hasn't stepped down, hasn't given a date for stepping down. His enemies are reduced to opinion polling about how many seats FG would win under a different leader.
Now its April and Enda still has hasn't stepped down, hasn't given a date for stepping down. His enemies are reduced to opinion polling about how many seats FG would win under a different leader.

Yeah, I stand corrected. Enda has got some clingability in fairness!
So Enda did resign. Although he stayed on much longer than all those with column inches to fill told us he could, he did not try to establish a further period as Taoiseach as I had expected.
I'll be sorry to see Noonan go I must say. He's a character I'd love to have a few pints with.
So it's looking like Leo and Paschal for Taoiseach & Tánaiste is it? Of all the politicians out there I'm happiest with these too.
Leo and Paschal Will screw the people who go out to work.They are the two who are making sure the people who went out and worked all of there lives get the least in return they are ring fencing the unfair system against the working tax payers. they are the most unfair Ministers in the present Government. they are taking every cent they can off the people who go to work every day and giving the least back as possible. Sleveens running this country will screw every cent they can and give as much as possible to there own pals.
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Micheal Martin must bite the bullet (no pun intended) pull the plug and go into power after an election with Sinn Fein
What utter rubbish. Despite all the usual criticism (from the usual sources) over the past 6-7 years it is the FG party that dragged this country from the brink of bankruptcy (and who made difficult - and often unpopular- decisions in order to do so). Remember the looney left and their admiration for Alexis Tsipras in Greece. And we all know how the Greek economy has fared in the same 6-7 years.
Had the looney left taken over, the "working tax payers" would be be a smaller number and much poorer. The unemployment rate has fallen from c16% to c6%. We are seeing increasing number of emigrants returning home.
If SF (and their IRA masters) get into power, we headed the same way as Greece.
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Conan It was the trioka who came in and forced FF to make the changes required FG Followed.Since the trioka left things are slipping back to the old ways led by the likes of Leo and Paschal looking after there pals. FG
Dublin South TD Kate O Connell put it correctly ''Choir Boys Singing For There Supper' Paschan stopped all Reform as soon as the trioka left Ireland.With Leo and Paschal we would be heading back to join Greece the only thing saving us is the reports published by the trioka from time to time .(The want to be Good Choir Boys)
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