Eircom's Phonewatch prevents cheaper Broadband



I'd be very grateful for any advice since I seem to have been backed into a corner because of having PhoneWatch. My landline is with Eircom.

Neither Smart nor UTV will allow me to switch to their B'band
'cos of having P'Watch. Don't know yet about NTL. Await a reply to an email. It'll probably be the same.

I signed up for Eircom's free B'band trial offer and it is due to expire in a week. They sent me an enormous bill because someone pressed the wrong button and I was billed in full. I'm having difficulty getting that across to them. So, I'm pretty fed up with Eircom. Have I any alternative but to stick with their too expensive b'band charge or just cancel and go back to dial-up?

I am wondering if the fact I had to pay a technician E99.00 to call and do something to my line because of P'Watch, could that mean there shouldn't be the problem that prevents me switching to either Smart or UTV? The technician put in a lot of wiring from the landline socket and some kind of an adapter so even if I return the b'band modem all that will be left. I am technologically challenged and trying to be optimistic!

Thanks to Clubman and others for all your IT information on AAM - so maybe someone could answer that Q? I'd be very grateful for any advice but there isn't much time left to decide what to do.

Thanks sluice 44 - but are you joking?!! I looked and I left.

I said I was technologically challenged and can just about change a plug without electrocuting myself.

Don't even know what DSL is (slips the mind) but could that be what the eircom technician did and which cost E99.00?

Don't even know what DSL is (slips the mind)

Don't worry - you're not alone. Irish Times technology journalist Jamie Smyth seems to think that ADSL and SDSL stand for Asynchronous and Synchronous rather than Asymmetric and Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line judging by his article in yesterday's business section ... :rolleyes

I lived in a shared house before and one of the guys claimed to make internet websites and I distincly remember he telling me that was what they stood for

I guess that explains why I never say any websites he designed
Eircom's Phonewatch prevents cheaper Broadband
Or you could look at it as 'Cheaper broadband providers don't support Eircom's Phonewatch' - It all depends on your point of view.

If you really dont want use eircom, try NTL as their BB product uses the NTL cable and not the phone line. I would recommend you ringing them as Ive had slow repsonse from them via mail.
Also try from irishbroadband, which does not use the phone line.
Both of the above are dependant on you being in an area where service is provided.
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Check the links for availability, pricing and customer feedback information on broadband options in your area.
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I have Phonewatch + UTV Broadband - no problem whatsoever.

There was a previous thread discussing this, and most people reported no problem using UTV Broadband + Phonewatch.
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Thanks for that advice car. I don't need any more rain on my parade! A touch of schadenfreude perhaps?

Will take your advice and phone NTL and UTV tomorrow. I'm not particular about who provides broadband so long as it's cheaper and no slower than Eircom. I've just seen that NTL require pentium 166 or above and I only have P4 (Dell Dimension 4300) so maybe another brick wall.

Interesting that euroDilbert has UTV + Phonewatch. Their site definitely says their broadband does not work with P'watch.

I still wonder if whatever the Eircom technician did to my line because of having Phonewatch has overcome the potential problem.

There's an extra phone socket that I didn't have before and three different coloured wires coming out of the Netopia modem. One goes into the PC (?USB port), the second goes into the new phone socket which looks like a box and the third wire is plugged into an electrical socket having gone through a black "thing" first before it plugs in. Could be a resister or whatever. BTW - please resist the temptation to
be "funny".

Have another problem now which I'm going to post in IT forum and hope it won't get "null points"! Broadband can be a ......

I went through this nonsense with ESAT. IMHO they're just covering their a$$e$.

I have a monitored alarm service, not eircom, and was quoted the same type of money by ESAT. I phoned my alarm guy and he didn't know what the issue could be.

I've been using ESAT broadband and have left the modem switched on while the alarm has been set. No problems in the last 6 months.

I generally turn off the modem though when it's not in use.
Bye the Bye..................

In the UK monitored alarms that connect over telephone lines frequently have a feature such that the alarm produces an intermittent signal on the line. If received at the exchange then this indicates that the line has not been cut.

So that this signal is not audible it is transmitted as a tone above audio frequency ( Just as broadband is )