Eircom disconnect landline without consent!



I am looking for some suggestions for seeking compensation from Eircom regarding they disconnecting my land line.
I have received a letter in writing stating so.

I did not request a disconnection.

The background to this is:
- I request ISDN from eircom,
- they process my request
- A few days later I receive a call from their call centre saying
I cannot have ISDN due to me having a shared line
which is a common occurance when they are short
on copper wire
- Meanwhile I suffer a degrade in line performance
- call answering disabled
- unpredictable senarios when I ring my landline
when the line is being used. e.g. please
enter number you wish to dial, and an international
dial tone
- A few days later my line is disconnected by an eircom
engineer whom I supposed thought he was cancelling
an ISDN user

I am awaiting a reply from comreg to explain my situation.

I am looking for advice for any options open to me
regarding compensation as especially not only did
I suffer:
- degrade on service quality level
- no service at all
but my wife missed out on a call for work, she works
on a temporary basis, so she lost one days work.

Frankee, prima faciæ, I'd say you have a case. Get a lawyer...