eir contract renewal

You can go wireless with Imagine
Unless imagine have greatly improved in the last 3 years I would be wary of what they say they can deliver. When I had imagine it would be ok at 1pm but come 7pm speed was down to a trickle and unusable for any streaming. They say only so many people are assigned to a mast but I would not be so sure on that.
Luckily FTTH went by my front door so I am one of a minority of happy Eir customers who only rings customer service once a year to get a new deal.
Had to go in the opposite direction and cancel an Eir contract and get a phone line turned off recently for a now vacant house. Getting through to customer service was easy, they answered speedily and were very good and nice on the phone. Problem was, they are a "catch and dispatch" operation, so whilst they fielded the call, raised the case and forwarded it on to the relevant dept or team, that actual completion of the task, to terminate the line, took over 3 weeks.

So they've fixed the first part of their problem, their call centre, but there overall service is still pants.