Egg Whites left over from cooking. What to do with them ?


stir crazy

I regularly make an Italian carbonara recipe using separated egg yolks.

But this means I am left with the egg whites and usually end up throwing 3 egg whites away.

It seems to be such a waste. What can I do with them? I have limited knowledge. Does anyone know of a good use for egg whites or a recipe I could perhaps try using them ?
Meringue: Baked Alaska, Pavlova, ordinary meringues. Have a look at, you might find a video on how to make them.
Use them to make Southern Fried Chicken maybe? Dip the chicken in beaten egg whites and then coat in breadcrumbs seasoned with lots of black pepper and some tarragon.The egg whites make for a lighter crumb coating.
As you seem to be into Italian, egg whites could be used to bind home made Italian meatballs and there are probably a few Italian style deserts that would use them too.
Could you post your carbonara recipie please?

You can use egg whites as a face mask too - skin feels lovely after.
There are probably more appropriate forums than Askaboutmoney for the exchange of recipes...
Pity we can't swap. I throw out all my egg yolks. I make non-fat, cholestoral free omelettes. The kind that you get in any diner in the US that's made from eggbeaters, ( but you can't get here. Just so as they aren't snow white and look a bit normal, I put in 1 drop of yellow food dye just for the sake of getting the colour right.

Just give them a quick whisk and then throw in a few bits of anything you have thats along the savoury line in your fridge - tomoato, chopped onion, slice of ham or chicken torn into stirps etc.
If you want to stick with Italian cookery, buy some apricot kernels in a health food shop:
Kernels+sugar+ egg whites = basic Amaretti biscuits. Add other ingredients if you like.
There are probably more appropriate forums than Askaboutmoney for the exchange of recipes...
Am I allowed give out recipes on this board and be within the rules ?
Could you post your carbonara recipie please?
Yeah! I'd be interested too
My carbonara recipe was given to me by an Italian girl from Venice who has had that recipe passed down through her family for generations and its nothing like most of the carbonara you would get in a store. I'm not sure if I shouldnt keep it a secret .. maybe if you share your recipe first ;-) (but I dont know if its against the rules of the forum to discuss food in this much depth ?

Mucho thanks to everyone for the interesting ideas
I presume you know you can freeze egg whites in sandwich bags for later use. (thats a Nigella tip)
you can also freeze them in ice-cube containers - just note how many ice cubes are made from 1 egg white.

Stir Crazy - if you pm me with your carbonara recipe I will pm you in return my much loved Banoffi Pie recipe
There are probably more appropriate forums than Askaboutmoney for the exchange of recipes...

As there are more appropriate boards for swapping jokes, discussing traffic, politics etc etc - it hasn't stopped us yet!! Viva la revolution!