According to RTE:
On a separate issue I found it interesting to hear Ted McGovern state that c. 42% of all mortgages are arranged through brokers. I didn't realise that it would be so high.
In an interview with RTE Radio EBS CEO Ted McGovern went on to say that borrowers taking loans directly from the society will be members (as normal) but that those going via a broker will not thus creating a two tier customer base. This, assuming that it comes to pass, seems, to me, to undermine EBS's committment to mutuality significantly regardless of what they say officially.Meanwhile the EBS says it's going to start selling through brokers for the first time, a sales channel it has heretofore shunned.
On a separate issue I found it interesting to hear Ted McGovern state that c. 42% of all mortgages are arranged through brokers. I didn't realise that it would be so high.