EBS Summit Funds - Cash Out or Not?



My wife and I have approx Euro 30,000 in EBS Summit Growth Funds. (SSIA funds that we did nothing with when they matured). As with all similar investments they have dropped significantly in the last 2 months. Thinking of cashing out and putting the money into something more secure (lump sum savings a/c) until the market stabilises. Any thoughts???
You have probably missed the boat. Markets have dropped a lot in recent months so you may be as well to hold on for a longer term recovery (5+ yrs)
Difficult to know what to do in this situation. Definitely, conventional advice would be to sit tight and ride out the current storm. This is what I had intended to do with my EBS Summit Fund, for my sins, Global Leaders which I started as an SSIA. I am now at the end of my 6th year with this fund and it has proved very disappointing.

They say 10 years is a reasonable timeframe with equity investments but I must admit that with 4 years to go(?) I don't have any great confidence that this one will come good!! The Growth Fund might perform better!