Be wise to check the prices of any DVD/Video you are thinking of buying. I used always use Play and cdwow.
but now it seems that yoru local Tesco store may be better value. Noticed recently that all the top 60 DVDs in tesco seem to be 19.99. Thats defo cheaper than cdwow and play.
For example, Tesco have Bambi at 19.99. Its 24.99 on cdwow and on play after converting from sterling its about 21.50 euro.
Just make sure to shop around I guess....
but now it seems that yoru local Tesco store may be better value. Noticed recently that all the top 60 DVDs in tesco seem to be 19.99. Thats defo cheaper than cdwow and play.
For example, Tesco have Bambi at 19.99. Its 24.99 on cdwow and on play after converting from sterling its about 21.50 euro.
Just make sure to shop around I guess....