Dual heating question


New Member
Hi folks

I have duel fuel heating. A solid fuel Stove with back boiler and an oil/kerosene boiler. At the moment when stove is lit, it heats all rads in the house but when oil boiler is on it heats half of them. This was not case before.
Thought about bleeding rads but they are all hot when stove is lit. Any I ideas greatly appreciated.
If you turn off the radiators that currently get hot when the boiler is on, do the others then get hot? Were the radiators ever split into zones, upstairs and downstairs perhaps?
Thanks for reply. It is all one floor and a fee months ago both te stove and the boiler heated all. But now stove heats all and boiler just half bit maybe I will try turning those ones off to see what happens. Thanks
I don't know the answer but there is a dedicated plumbing forum over on boards.ie, you may get more informed guidance over there.

My tuppence worth of technical advice: don't make any changes that you cannot successfully reverse yourself until the new year because you'll struggle to get a plumber this week if you mess it up.

Good luck.
You could try as above. There might be a partial air lock in a part of your pipework. Do this while your system is set to kerosene boiler