Draftproofing wooden windows



Any advice on draftproofing wooden windows. I have had quotes for the ventrolla system which seem very expensive 350-400 per window. Basically I consider the windows to be in good condition for 100 years old, almost no rot but a bit gummed up with paint and some drafty. Anyone had the ventrolla system installed. Was it worth it?
Thanks in advance
Ventrolla is fine & their people know what they are doing.

Price does not seem expensive to me but if you want to DIY you can get the bits ( beads, brushes etc ) from I.I.S., Synge (?) Lane ( IIRC ).

If you want to go down the DIY route be sure you have the tools and good chippie experience. Useful to have two pairs of hands as windows can be heavy.

There are some UK web sites on Sash windows & the repair / restoration of same.