Dozens sympathise with sex offender

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I was just addressing the post to both of you - I know you both have completely different opinions. Yorky made the 'point' and I was adding to your answer to it - if you know what I mean.
Decent law abiding men with no history of sexual misbehaviour would NOT be capable of indulging in gang rape given the opportunity.

Hmmm. I am not sure I agree. I don't profess any great knowledge of the mechanics of a gang rape situation; possibly it is essential that there be one sexual predator to act as a sort of catalyst. I would, however, be fairly sure that in many, many gang rape situations, there would be men who would never unilaterally involve themselves in a sex attack but who nevertheless participate in the gang attack.

I didn't mean to offend you and was certainly not slagging off your efforts. I share your disgust and passion on the subect, emails in my opinion are too easy, I have also ring many times today, it was engaged alot. A letter in my opinion is far more effective, send letters through the post, you can't ignore a couple of sacks of mail.

Then they would NOT be the
Decent law abiding men...
Sean sheehy has withdrawn from his duties!!!
Perhaps we the people still have a say????

It is good to see a swift postive reaction from Bishop Murray. He also apologised on his own behalf and on behalf of the Kerry Diocise, which is what I put in my letter.
I have emailed my support for that brave person. I have also noted that the priest has resigned, does that mean he has been de frocked!! I doubt it but .....


ps can I say that AAM has to be applauded

I find your hypothesis puerile and deeply offensive. It plays into the stereotype of men as mindless sexual predators, governed primarily by testosterone. I believe that people who have a strong set of moral values and ethics, will not, under any circumstances, commit criminal acts, just because an individual 'catalyst' does so.
Those without a moral compass (e.g. habitual offenders -including many clergy over the past 60 years) may follow the mob, or be 'catalyzed' into wrongdoing. Those with one, (the vast majority of people, men and women) will not steal,rape or murder....ever.
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