Don't know?


Registered User
I was reading a political blog from the states the other day and they were reporting on a poll that said that Bush's current approval rating is 25% with 68% disapproving and 7% don't know.

How could anyone, after 7 years of Bush, not know how they feel about him? Are they living in cardboard boxes? (This point was made somewhat more eloquently on

Never underestimate the ignorance of the electorate.
Maybe that 7% have no interest in politics whatsoever and actually don't know or don't care.
Apathy, ignorance, 'poll shyness'... we will always have the "don't knows".
Maybe the don't knows are actually think about the pro's and cons rather than the yes/no brigade who are probably following either media hype or using traditional voting?
Well there was apparently no option for "approve on some things, disapprove on others". So those people would have to say "don't know".

[For the record, I would have no issue with disapproving of The Shrub, but I can think of some politicians I would have mixed feelings about, e.g. Mary Harney.]