Don't bother trying to pay your household charge yet - the site isn't work properly

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The site isn't the most secure I have used imho. It is very easy to enter other peoples adresses for instance. If you are using the above PPS number then you can't be traced.
It really is comical that this is the best they can do.
they know your property address!
do you vote by any chance
if so, the register of electors.
land registry.

you can still enter incorrect info and it accepts it.

It just not well designed, its open for corruption.
But why use a 'false' pps number?

If somebody is going to the trouble of paying the €100 surely they want the payment credited to them and not the person to whom the pps number is attached?

Will somebody here pay mine if I give them my pps number?
But it is a tax payable by the person responsible for it!

Bottom line ... are we required to give a pps number when paying?

If we are ... why?

And if people give false info on site does it not constitute fraud?
Bottom line ... are we required to give a pps number when paying? If we are ... why?

I reckon its an IT database thing. They are trying to use PPS number as a unique identifier. In rural ireland its not uncommon to have several Michael Murphys living in the same small townland.
I think that giving a false pps number would be closer to a "false declaration" than to "fraud".
Is there an actual requirement in law to supply a PPS when paying it?
Not according to the Household Charge website Time - see [broken link removed] where it makes no mention of PPS and only states that a receipt will be proof of payment. As ajapale said it's probably more to do with identifying the house in question in the case where multiple matches exist in a town (there are plenty of instances of this where I live as we often get post intended for a woman with the same name as Mrs Beag who lives only 4 doors down from us - no house numbers!). So if you're happy that you won't be confused with anyone else then I very much doubt you need to provide your own PPS number. It will be interesting tho to see if there will be much confusion at the end of March when the attempt is made to process the registrations made with the false PPS number.
id laugh if the reason why the pps was taken, is so that the individual could have extra tax credits. 1234567T would be minted.
I note that some people are having trouble with the captchas.

There are two words which you have to type: one of them is the true test, the other is actually using you to help convert scanned text into digital form. In other words, they get you to type in one word and they check it against the graphical image; then for the second graphical image, you are actually typing in text for e.g. some piece of a scanned book which could not be translated into digital form reliably. The second word is a sort of crowdsourcing.

You obviously have to get the test word right, but for the other word it doesn't matter what you type. I tested this and I found that for me the second word was the true test; for the first word I typed in some rubbish and I still got through.

Sorry this is a bit long-winded, but try to just get the second word right and see what happens.
Trying to register a new account today. Keep getting a "there was an issue processing your account" message. Tried about 10 times.

What a joke.
Trying to register a new account today. Keep getting a "there was an issue processing your account" message. Tried about 10 times.

What a joke.
The system went down yesterday evening. I have been promised that I will be advised by email when it is up again.
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