Dogs soiling floor at night time



He is from the country and country folk have unusual practices.

Enough bully's in this world beside internet ones too.

I hope that's not a reference to me. Besides, I'd rather hurt poor WillyPat's feelings than see anyone following his father's example and shoving a poor animal's face in its own excrement.
Morning all,
Agree whole-heartedly with the opinions expressed on flogging dogs with Wavin pipes and sticking their noses in puddles and have been sitting on my hands all morning to stop myself wading in with my 2 cents worth.

We're getting off topic though - lab-rat had a genuine request for help and I think this thread should stay focused on her and her peeing puppies.

Anyone agree? If not I'll be putting on my waders.....
For God's sake...he is entitled to give a suggestion! Right or wrong. Lets' not be rude to members.
My God...Ive just returned from town, needed some burning irons for the bullock's, Ms WillyPat came out in an awful state. She maintains this forum have gone to town on poor WillyPat.

I posted a reply to Lab-Rat stating a procedure that has worked for me in the past. Its not nice I know, its quick and easy and it does work. It's entirely up to lab-rat what road she wants to go down. I think we have gone off the mark a little though. "few flakes of a black pipe"... thought that might upset a few members. Let me now state for the record Ive never done that to a dog, just before the ISPCA come knocking! Dont pick me up wrong, or go off on one....I love animals just as much as the next person. We've had animals on our farm for decades (good place to keep animals I suppose) and theyre all treated to the best care we can provide them with. Its not a puppy farm!

But remember its a farm, you cannot get too attached to these animals, be it cows, donkeys, pigs and yes even dogs. We do have our favorites and yes I too, even WillyPat, will get upset when I see an animal in distress or in pain. The onus is on you to provide the best care available.

Yes there are hundreds of other methods for training your pup, but most important a mutual respect must exist. But you must first gain your pups respect before it will respond to anything you want it to do be it sitting, staying, giving the paw or not soiling indoors! Sticking his face it it will not gain his respect but will I promise stop him from soiling... indoors at least!

I apologise sincerely to lab-rat. I think things got way out of hand.

Thanks also to Judybaby.

Well said WP! Hope you and Mrs.WP and the animals have a lovely weekend.

I've noticed that another baby goldfish was eaten today by their mother. I've checked the internet and I can't find anything about this.Any ideas?
Hi All
No Apology needed Willypat. You got a bit of an ear bashing there .To be honest the b.fd has put their noses in it. He has never done it when I was there as he knows I would flip. He says that it is no way to start a day scrapping sh**e off the floor. We are in the middle of doing up the kitchen so he has to scrap it off a concrete floor! Last night they slept out in their kennel. Not a pip out of them. I think they will survive, but it is not really addressing the problem.
I can't believe the neanderthal reasoning behind some of the comments above. No wonder Irish people have one of the worst reputations for animal welfare in Europe! As Ghandi said, you can judge a nation by the way it treats its animals and the Irish leave an awful lot to be desired in this category.

If you're going to housetrain your puppy, rubbing its nose in it is not the way to go. The dog will not be able to associate this with going to the loo in the first place and in effect you're just going to make the dog nervous and afraid of going to the loo in the future. I can't believe someone actually suggested this when it is the first thing that all experts advise against when it comes to toilet training. If you consider this a viable option, then you're better off not bothering to train them and leave them outside in the kennels. They'll be much happier in the end.

If you're going to go to the bother of owning an animal, you should do some research beforehand on how to deal with them. Have you tried the conventional crating method?

And by the way, I live on a farm also and have never rubbed any dogs face in anything!!
"No Judybaby, but my dog was trained that way when he was a pup and never soiled the house after that!

It does work!

He is now a 7.5 stone Labrador, you can imagine the soil he'd leave after him now if he were still in the house!"

Hi Willypat,, Try shoving his face in it NOW.
WillyPat said:
My God...Ive just returned from town, needed some burning irons for the bullock's
Nobody has said anything about this yet. Do bullocks deserve less humane treatment than puppies and goldfish?
I think WillyPat might be winding people up about his Bullock's and irons, and dogs.
should be outside I think not in the house at bed time , buy them a kennel
Swallows said:
I think WillyPat might be winding people up about his Bullock's and irons, and dogs.

Are you winding us up Williepat? I think you are .....and I hope you are!