Myself and my sister are joint executors of my recently deceased aunts will.
She has left everything to me and my 2 sisters, excluding some small monetary gifts to friends and family.
Her estate consists of a house valued around 550k and roughly 100k in bank accounts.
After meeting with her solicitor, he has sent the attached.
Does this seem a reasonable fee outline? I have searched the forum and see that around 1% is the average, while the attached seems roughly 2.5% or maybe I am reading it wrong?
And lastly, is it ok to negotiate the fees?
Thanks so much for any guidance

She has left everything to me and my 2 sisters, excluding some small monetary gifts to friends and family.
Her estate consists of a house valued around 550k and roughly 100k in bank accounts.
After meeting with her solicitor, he has sent the attached.
Does this seem a reasonable fee outline? I have searched the forum and see that around 1% is the average, while the attached seems roughly 2.5% or maybe I am reading it wrong?
And lastly, is it ok to negotiate the fees?
Thanks so much for any guidance