Healthcare costs - not insurance Does HSE medical card cover cost of vitamin B12 injection monthly and administration of injection by nurse in surgery


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Does HSe medical card cover cost of vitamin B 12 injection monthly and administration of injection by nurse in surgery.Thank You.
Hi Mary

Interesting article here ............

"SINN Féin Kerry County Councillor Pa Daly has claimed that some GPs in the county are wrongly charging medical card and GP visit card holders for blood tests and other essential services. Cllr Daly has been contacted by several people from across Kerry who have said that they are being charged for blood tests and vitamin B12 injections, despite the fact that these services should be free."

As Brendan says - contact your practice first ......... if they say its free then great.

If they say there will be a charge perhaps give the HSE a call and see what they say
I'm fairly sure I saw a sign in my GP stating that blood tests would be charged for even if the patient has a medical card, think they said it wasn't included in IMO GP contract - maybe LEO would know?

GMS Contract, Agreements and Rates
Some info on the contract there -

According to the citizen's information page on their website - last update august 2020

Among the services that GPs provide for medical card holders are:

  • Consultation services at the GP's surgery or at your home as appropriate.
  • Proper and necessary treatment of a kind normally undertaken by a general practitioner; this is a matter of individual medical judgement but it also includes services such as immunisation and vaccination for children.
  • Prescriptions for drugs, medicines and appliances as required. In some cases, GPs dispense drugs and medicines.
  • Blood tests to diagnose or monitor a condition.

It seems most do in fact now charge for bloods - contrary to the rules

Does HSe medical card cover cost of vitamin B 12 injection monthly and administration of injection by nurse in surgery.Thank You.

Yes they should do