Laya Does an exclusion stand if new injury is sustained in a road accident?


Registered User
Hi, very recently I was hit by a car as I was crossing the road. I've made initial inquiries with a solicitor. I did get an xray of the lower back carried out on the public system as I have a medical card. I also have private health insurance but have an exclusion for x number of years on the lower back as I have a pre-existing issue with lower back pain. What I am wondering is, the pain I now suffer in the lower back is pain I did not suffer previously, and has only started following being hit by the car, does the exclusion still apply? Does it apply in total or only in reference to previous pain? I'm a bit confused! Thanks.
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I think this is a question that can only be answered by your health insurance provider. On the face of it, it is a new injury caused by an accident, which in theory should be covered. But it depends on what they may require, to determine if it satisfies their criteria, taking the underlying condition into account from a medical point of view.
