Does American Property Market Affect Ireland?

housing market

Will the fall in the UK housing market affect Ireland??
property market

probably as much as the rise in the chinese market

It's called the ECB rate people. If you want to know how it's likely to perform look at GERMANY.

I hear house prices in Outer Mongolia and Timbuktoo are plummeting. Sell, sell, sell...before it's too late!!!
X Factor

What all posts to date have left out of the equation is the X-Factor.

I've no doubt that a property crash in the US and the UK will have an impact here. Some people will be less convinced about the medium term merits of investing in property and this will impact on demand, which will in turn impact on price.

The markets (property & equities) are not rationale entities.

Re: X Factor

The thing with Markets is that you can make almost any reational argument that anything will happen. Barry's argument above for example is rational and he could well be right.

Another "Plausable" theory would be that a falling property market in the US might drive money into other investments like equities, which might drive up the performance of equities, which might make them more attractive, which might convince some Irish investors to take their money out of Irish Property (which already gives reasonably low returns) and transfer it into equities.

The bottom line is we haven't a clue. Listen to all the theories, make up a few of your own, and then decide what YOU want to do with your money.

Up, Up & Away!!!

a) House prices going down in the UK, and soon to go down in the USA;
b) oil prices doubling in a few months;
c) Ireland having the third most expensive house prices on planet Earth

Irish house prices can now only go up, up & away!!!