Do I have to notify bank I am renting my home if I move and get another mortgage?

I don't know if you checked out that other thread but the bank will know (or may have suspicion) once you cease TRS on the old place, or commence TRS on a new place. Plus there will (should) be a change of insurance, which the bank will be notified of as well (banks are usually named as insured on policies and, if the policy changes, they will be notified).

It's pot luck. Some (as mentioned on that other thread) did, in fact, notify the bank and nothing happened with their interest rate. Some (like Steve D's LL) did not notify and got charged back-interest.

You should check your mortgage terms and then weigh up the risk.

I dont have TRS left.
A number of ways, including :

  • PRTB property registrations are available publicly
  • TRS removal (TRS is administered by the banks on behalf of the Revenue)
  • House Insurance - the bank's interest must be declared on the policy, they will be notified of changes / cancellations
Not an exhaustive list, but as examples.

Fair enough on 1 and 3 but if I am paying the mortgage I just can see them bothering.