Ditching Sky & FTV recording


Registered User

Here's the deal: I want to ditch Sky and save some cash. Been reading up on the Free to View/Air channels but before I take the plunge I need to know a couple things.

1/ Has any one had success canceling sky subscription, taking advantage of FTV channels and still be able to record (using old Sky plus box). How do you flick around to the FTV channels - for example do you have to the know the number of each one.

2/ The house we bought came with an aerial in the attic and presumably enough wiring to get the irish channels in the main TV. However, will this result in two distinct 'systems' - so that we would nearly have to swich inputs and remotes, etc just to go from the UK Free to view and the Irish analog signal?

I'm only trying to do this at first without investing significantly in new equipment all the while trying not turn my family against my new cost savings.

1) Sky Plus services are only available with a Sky+ subscription
2) Generally the Pipe (or analouge cable) will run trough whatever box you use.