Disability Benefit - working part time



I've been out of work due to a chronic illness. I think my doctor will finally allow me back to work in the summer but only on a part time basis. Does anybody know where this would leave me regarding my disability benefit. I'm not sure if i would be allowed to work for a day or two a week and also receive some sort of benefit to top up my wages.

I'm pushing the doctor to allow me back to work but I'm not sure if maybe i would be better off financially to wait until i could definitely work a full week.

Hi Ellen,You may be entitled to earn for up to 19.5 hours of work, while receiving disability benefit. I use "may" as it depends on getting an exemption to do so from the section which handles your claim in the Dept of Social, Community and Family Affairs. Your local social welfare office will be able to tell you which section you need to deal with. (i believe it varies with name and/or PPS number). Anyway what you need to send them is :-1. Letter from your doctor putting forward the reasons why he thinks you merit such an exemption, how it can benefit your recovery etc.2. Letter from you putting forward a good case for why you believe you merit this exemption.Post both letters off to the address supplied by your local social welfare office and wait for their decision./mac
Thanks for that Mac. I'll look into it but it sounds like it isn't really the norm to go back part time initially, maybe I'll just go with the doctor and wait until I can go back full time.