disability allowance and means test


Registered User
Someone I know has been refused disability allowance on means test because their husband works. (no kids) His income for the purposes of the test is 316 which is just above the rate of 312 for two people. At the same time they have to pay all their rent themselves as they can't get rent supplement so they end up being worse off than someone on the dole. In fact her partner was on the dole up until recently and they were financially better off. Is there any way of getting the rent taken into account for the means test?

If they were married he would be able to claim extra tax credits for her and it seems hyprocritical to class them as cohabiting for welfare but not for revenue. Is there any way around this?
Is the €316 the income as assessed by SW (after their deductions have been made) or the total income received?
Having checked the SW means test and the Operating guidelines for same I cannot find any allowance for travel to work.
not the type of job you can do that for. It is so unfair that you cannot transfer tax allowance and yet for welfare you are cohabiting. They really need to look at incentivising people. If she could work she would. The only thing I can think of is for them to get married but they can't afford to - even a small wedding thought I know they could just go to a registry office and do cheaply they shouldn't have to.