Digiweb using a Webwise / Phorm type system

You registered on two different sites to make the same unfounded accusations about digiweb , I think the source of your gripe might be of a lot more interest to everyone...

Anyway, you are getting exactly the same answer from everyone on both sites, I presume you don't (or maybe you do) think they all work for digiweb...
Some load balancers insert cookies to correlate users with the correct server. What are the contents of the cookie? It may be possible to tell what device is generating it. Perhaps you could check with your hosting provider to see if they have deployed a load balancer in front of your web server?

Thanks for your tip. I have a communication which suggests something along the same lines and this is something that I must check. I will check.

If someone who works for Digiweb states that what ever happened was nothing to do with them, I have to either accept that and get on with my life or dispute that and back up my suspicions. I have outlined my suspicions though and I consider myself to be better informed as a result of doing so.

I note that I'm the only poster here reporting unusual Internet behaviour with Digiweb (recently). Some people have helpfully pointed out how the issue could arrise in a benign way.

Does anyone know if Digiweb used a mis-configured cache over the Summer?

JHegarty, the reason that I asked if you worked for Digiweb is not because I'm interested in your career choice but as outlined, only to determine if you are in a position of knowledge. Since you don't work for Digiweb, a contractor or supplier, I am not interested in if you work or where you work though I value your contribution to this forum. With respect, you don't know how well founded or otherwise my statements and questions are.