Difficulty accessing Permanent / TSB online.


Registered User
Despite several password changes over the last few months I have ongoing difficulty accessing my Perm./Tsb a/c. online. Other than giving me a new password and advising me to delete temporary files their tech. support guys don't have any other suggestions as to how the problem can be solved and I use the IE browser when using that site as they suggest. Given that I regularly use AIB and BOI online without any problem I am assuming I am inputing my password data etc. correctly into the TSB site and that that is not the problem. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. .
What precisely is the problem? What errors are you getting?

Why not drop into your branch and ask them to help you get into your account? I have rarely had problem with this service in all the years that I have been using it. They once locked FireFox users out but relented within a couple of days when I (and others) complained.
I regulalry get the message " Incorrect login data entered " even though I am meticulous about entering the data ( I have even written the PAN no. down on a page beside me to make sure I have selected the correct digits - then shredded it ). I have been able to access the account but it usually takes numerous attempts which I think is odd given that I never have a problem with AIB or BOI online.
Ive used TSB on line for years now and never a problem with IE.
You must be making some input mistake. remember, nothing seems to be checked until all 3 input routines are completed. Maybe something simple. Is the password case sensitive - must check?
Password is case sensitive for ptsb
Never had a problem with the site.
Have you got the right internet password?
Oh - I did have one other problem at one stage. I'm sure that it allowed me to enter a password containing digits or other non alphabetic characters but then would not accept it when logging in. I had to get PTSB to reset the password and then change it to my own choice containing only acceptable characters. I have never seen the intermittent loging problems mentioned above but I let my personal laptop remember the main login details rather than entering them each time and then enter my PIN details manually.
demoivre said:
I regulalry get the message " Incorrect login data entered " even though I am meticulous about entering the data ( I have even written the PAN no. down on a page beside me to make sure I have selected the correct digits - then shredded it ). I have been able to access the account but it usually takes numerous attempts which I think is odd given that I never have a problem with AIB or BOI online.
I've never had such problems and have used the system from day one (or possibly earlier as a beta user - can't remember).
Thanks for the input folks - another change of password seems to have worked this time as I have been in to my account several times without problems since. Still got no idea what the problem was though.
PTSB are currently revamping their Open24 online banking service. If you attempt to login and get a missing page error with the following address:


then edit the address to


and you should be able to proceed to your account login OK. Or better still just bookmark the latter edited URL/address.

I see that they have added standing order and direct debit views and the ability to unilaterally add new bill payments without having to call customer service first.
Oh dear - here we go again... Just like when they locked out FireFox users in early 2005 but eventually fixed the problem in the face of complaints for me and presumably others. I hope that this is simply a temporary glitch and they are not expecting customers to only use IE/Netscape to access their site. If this is a more permanent "improvement" then I will probably be on the move to another bank for current account services for the first time in about 15 years...

Underlining is mine.
Dear ...

Thank you for your email.
Several improvements have been made recently to the Open 24 Internet Banking service.
The current upgrade includes:
  • A new look and feel, more in keeping with the award winning permanenttsb.ie site
  • A new enhanced Mortgage Account page displaying a wide range of account details.
  • Improved standing order functionality now allowing customers to view standing orders by account or to amend or cancel non-lending standing orders.
  • Improved direct debit functionality. Customers can view direct debits by account, and cancel their direct debits.
  • Customers can now set up new bill payment options themselves, including more than one for each company.
  • Now we have separate third party transfer and bill pay areas, making it clearer and easier to manage your bill payments.
  • Online cheque-book ordering.
  • Improved transaction confirmation screens and online feedback.
Due to these amendments on our site, our Open24.ie website is only accesible through the Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator browsers. The site is not currently accessible using either the Mozilla Firefox or Safari browsers.
Our IT department is aware of the issue concerning the link and access to the new site through other browsers and is currently reviewing this situation.
Thank you for your time and feedback.
Please let me know if you have any further queries.

Kind regards
Improved... That makes me laugh...

I just did a billpayment and got this:
Please note successful transactions may take 5 working days to reach your bill account.

Previously it was "3 working days" now it's 5 working days and that for a payment to their own Visa card!

Half of my billpayment are still under 3rd party transfer..

Improvements.. back to the stoneage....
Ive had the same experienc TEX, paying their OWN Visa with a transfer from my other account there. Maybe the only way around this is to withdraw the cash and lodge it again at the counter to the Visa!
Maybe Try installing the MS Java Virtual Machine and setting it as the Default Java VM in the Internet Settings Control Panel (rather than the Default VM which is the SUN VM) , thats how I got BoI working once the POS ......

Microsoft Virtual Machine

The Microsoft Java Virtual Machine is no longer available from Microsoft directly due to legal wrangling with SUN, however it still can be downloaded...
Microsoft VM build 3805 for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0. 5.4 MB

Java Virtual Machine download links:Steps to install the Microsoft Virtual Machine:
  1. Download the file using the links above and save it to your harddrive.
  2. Once the file is on your harddrive, execute it and thus load the Virtual Machine.
  3. As the file begins execution, answer Yes to the License Agreement question and then once complete, re-boot your PC.
  4. Once the PC is re-booted you should be set to go.
One way to get Microsoft Java Virtual Machine

First go to this site and get the older version of the MS Java Virtual Machine:
[broken link removed]
This will check for the basic VM and install an
Ya never know where the legacy crap will strike .
Whose problem is that suggestion designed to address? Not mine since the problem is with the URL that contains backward slashes instead of forward slashes and which IE understands but FireFox and others do not. Anyway I have a workaround for my problem - edit the URL and bookmark it. Annoying though.

In general I would be wary of using the MS Java VM rather than Sun's since the former is so non standard and is no longer updated as far as I know.
While they seem to have ignored my most recent email to them at least they seem to have fixed the link so that it now works without hacking/manual editing in FireFox. Horray!