Department asks Muslims to reject Polygamy



The Irish Independant carried an article yesterday relating that Muslim males seeking Irish citizenship were being asked to swear an oath to relinquish the practice of polygamy. Muslims can have up to four wives.

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties is up in arms about it.

What do you think?
Its against the law of the land

When in Rome do what the romans do.
If you went to a Muslim country they would rightly expect you to adhere to their laws and customs. Unfortunately they don't seem to reciprocate when they go to other countries. See the court case in the UK where they fall over backwards to accommodate and still they want more.
Re: Its against the law of the land

When in Rome do what the romans do

When irish and uk ex-pats go to work in muslim countries where alchol is banned, is there special bars for them?

When the US invaded did they not do it because we disagreed with how they chose to run their own country?

Do as the romans do, but as long as it is what we agree with
Re: Its against the law of the land

This was a non-story, I heard an imam yesterday saying that this wasn't an issue as a) multiple marriages isn't something a muslim has to have in order to adhere to his faith and b) in Ireland the religious leaders will not grant a second marriage to anyone they know is already married as they advocate adherence to the law of the land.
However isn't it just typical of the "pc correct" / "everyone should be allowed do whatever they want" / "there's no such thing as personal responsibility" uberliberals in this country to be up in arms about something that those it actually pertains to aren't upset about.
nice clarification from icantb

that should close this topic

No, not quite yet.
There's another aspect to this. The Financial one (this is a Financial website).

Suppose the Government backs down in the face of the ICCL attack and drops this hot potato. Sooner or later some Muslim is going to want to avail of his 2nd/3rd/4th wife option.

Consider this then. If he is allowed to have several wives, shall each of them be allowed to have the tax allowances for a married woman? And if the husband dies and leaves each of his wives an equal share of his estate will each of them receive the inheritance tax breaks due to a wife?

My friend is separated from his wife. He has a new partner. He cannot afford to divorce his first wife. However he worries that his partner will be left with a massive tax bill if he bequeaths any of his estate to her on his death. Does he have to convert to Islam to avail of the opportunity to marry his partner legally and thus avail of the preferential tax breaks given to muslims?

This could get complicated.
Re: Polygamy

You're trolling, ElCid.

There is no request/proposal from ICCL or anybody to legalise polygamy. ICCL simply asked that people are not discriminated against by race (as per our current equality legislation). If there is to be a declaration against 2nd marriages, then ALL new citizens should be asked to sign this, not just Muslim ones. Polygamy is not restricted to muslims - Let's not forget the Mormons, & the guy on Coronation St too.

Mind you, it sounds like we're getting into Catch-22 like oaths of loyalty madness....
Re: Polygamy

ElCid, your point is completely hypothetical and as such can't be properly considered. We could of course have a "hypothetical debate" section in AAM called "what if" where we could discuss the implications of what would happen if all sorts of things occurred.
Re: Polygamy

Perhaps some would be posters should read ELCid's views on Muslims just to put this post in perspective.
Not that hard to believe

This is redirected from a misplaced posting on the SF topic.

ICBIT, why do you find my posting so extreme? Don't you accept that in certain muslim circles Osama is a religious man? - he certainly thinks so. Weren't his heroes doing their deeds for religious ideals? Weren't they on a promise of oodles of Virgins (hence the polygamy link) for their heroic acts?
legal status

"Does he have to convert to Islam to avail of the opportunity to marry his partner legally and thus avail of the preferential tax breaks given to muslims?"

No. A religious marriage has no legal status.
It is also not possible to enter into a second marriage when the first spouse is still living - assuming not divorced.
Thus, your friend would gain no legal advantage by converting to Islam.

Re: Not that hard to believe

Your posting is extreme because you generalised about all muslims in it. I'm going against my own suggestion not to respond to this kind of thing because on reflection I believe that this kind of extremism should be confronted. Your views echo those of British politicians who asserted that all Irish people should be "treated like dogs" because of the actions of the IRA. Just as those views were disgraceful so are yours they contribute nothing to the debate and serve only to highlight your ignorance.

Laoise, thanks for your lucid answer. You sound as though you have some expertise in the area, so I hope you're right.

To those of you who are quick to take offense on the behalf of muslims...this was a valid Financial query, and was sourced from an article in the same newspaper the owner/operator of this website writes for. Are you suggesting every article in the Irish Independant is questionable, or is it just some of them?
Maybe Brendan would have a strong opinion on that.

My own views on the issue are pretty much as Come2Ireland stated. People coming to live here, or who wish to take up Irish citizenship ought to be bound by Irish Law and Irish mores. Polygamy may be acceptable in Saudi Arabia, but it is not acceptable to me, or to most people in this country. It would be doubly repugnant if an 'exception' was made for muslims alone, thus discriminating against every Irish person and disadvantaging them financially.

Rainyday, I agree that the oath should apply to other religions as well if they practice polygamy. One rule for all.

"icantbelieveitstaken"...chill out man.
Re: Polygamy

To those of you who are quick to take offense on the behalf of muslims...this was a valid Financial query, and was sourced from an article in the same newspaper the owner/operator of this website writes for

When your previous views on Muslims are taken into consideration I think anybody is well justified in recognising that it has little to do with marriage and finance and more to do with the axe you seem to want to grind in relation to Muslims in general.

Interesting that the only posts you've created or replied to (in this guise at least) are about Muslims. They all tend to be very anti-Muslim...dressed up as something else.

Piggy me dear, if I wished to I could have posted under another name.

What then?

Wouldn't you and your Politically Correct friends just dismiss the question in exactly the same manner you're trying to now?

Of course you would.

Its nothing to do with the fact that the post was from ElCid, but rather the very nature of the question.
In your PC world one cannot question the practices or behaviour of immigrants. Thats out of bounds.

Well, I disagree with you. I believe these issues are valid for discussion, and so does the Department of Justice, the ICCL, 80% of the population, and even the Indo obviously.

Get off your high horse and deal with reality.
Re: Polygamy

Piggy me dear, if I wished to I could have posted under another name.

What then?

Wouldn't you and your Politically Correct friends just dismiss the question in exactly the same manner you're trying to now?

There's nothing politically correct about it ELCid. I don't really care what you're thinking. I'm just pointing out the fact that this post has been nothing more than a veiled attack on Muslims in general. Your previous postings on the subject would suggest this is a credible conclusion.

Get off your high horse and deal with reality.

This is your reality ELCid, not mine. You believe that Muslims are in some way less than you...and you fear them.

You're quite entitled to hold your opinion of course - ignorant as it may be.

ICBIT, I'm afraid generalisation from the mad acts of a minority is often justified. I am not saying that all UK based Irishmen of the '70s were pub bombers nor that all Muslims of today are suicide terrorrists. But there was something in the Irish psyche of the '70s and in the Muslim psyche of today which sympathises with these vile acts.

Even in Nazi Germany, it was only a minority who actually perpetrated the Holocaust but it was valid to regard the whole of German society in the Third Reich as intrinsically evil.