Delays in rolling out vaccine

Theres lots of reports on social media of people getting multiple appointments... or people unable to cancel who got booster as HCW or as walk in etc

People phoned up trying to cancel then cut off by system after on hold for 40 mins as noted earlier.

Its hard to say therefore how many missed appointments are people refusing booster v scheduling and recording issues. Michael Martin seems to be presenting it as refusals but on what basis?
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I'll have a look at the data from ECDC and see what has actually been administered to each cohort based on the figures they published in your post.

This has to be admin and MM not understanding what the figures represent.
I'll have a look at the data from ECDC and see what has actually been administered to each cohort based on the figures they published in your post.

This has to be admin and MM not understanding what the figures represent.

You have the leader of the country saying people don't want the booster... and this happens.
He needs to get on top of this, for himself and the country.

THE HSE HAS advised people not to attend a walk-in Covid-19 booster clinic for those aged 50 to 69 this morning as more than 200 people queued to receive a jab.
I don't understand the walk in's when there must be enough people to fill appointment slots. Walk in's were fine towards the end of the campaign when the majority were done but it does seem to be leading to unacceptable delays at centres. People can already make appointments at GP's and Pharmacies if they wish. Open it up to the other age cohorts and give appointments to everyone if they are struggling to fill capacity.

I am not hearing any stories about people with two jobs being hesitant about the booster so something is not working. Of course, Leo coming out yesterday and talking about a fourth jab doesn't help either!

To me, they seem to be struggling with data about who needs the jab and who has had the jab. I know the fact that people who have covid since the second jab are not eligible for six months after diagnosis complicates things but they did such a good job with the first rollout, it is a shame that IT/Admin issues seems to causing them such problems this time.
There is something dysfunctional with the HSE system\operation when it comes to boosters, I think that's why they are kicking to touch with 'walk ins' and relying on GPs and pharmacies.
They already have a booking system for tests, just use that for booking vaccine jab.

MM needs to be hammering the HSE about this, instead he seems to have accepted the HSE explanation of reluctance when it's obvious there is a fundamental systems issue.
Lads I've spent days trying to understand the data, and it's a mess, but I'll try again later after the latest update.

My wife got her notification yesterday 50+but she's getting hers in Pfizer again, shes been trying to contact them to tell them to cancel. No joy yet. And they offered her Moderna.

They need to stop these walk ins, but they are administering over 190,000 a week and I wonder how the figures would be if they did?
How many of them are in HSE clinics versus hospital HCWs, GPs, pharmacies etc I wonder....
In my case, my doctor was only giving boosters to over 70s and suggested I go to the walk in clinic , which I was glad to do. Does the HSE know if a person has been to a walk in clinic because I would have been due my booster on Wed 1st of Dec. I got the booster on the 2nd and have had no word from the HSE about my booster. Perhaps they can know from my mobile number or pps number..
There are now stories about people over 60 getting texts from the HSE telling them to attend a walk in or go to a pharmacy instead of offering an actual appointment. Someone needs to get a handle on this very quickly. Unbelievable that Martin went into the Dail and made a statement like he did without actually knowing the details. Everyone here and every single journalist looked at those figures and said 'hold on'. Him and all his highly paid advisors and Department Heads looked at the figures and said people weren't coming forward.
Giving the size of the crowd when I was there ,there were a hell of a lot of people who it seemed hadn't got their word from HSE either because a lot were in their 60s
If nothing else the walk in clinics are getting through a lot of people who want to get their booster.
At least when you have an appointment you have an appointment!

Walk in clinics now catering to 50s as well as 60s, hence people being turned away due to numbers turning up.

Also, and I quote HSE.............."Clinics can be changed at short notice................"

Politicians and media need to IMMEDIATELY look at this situation.
Neither do I.
I cancelled my appointment in a walk-in centre and instead registered for a booster jab in a local pharmacy.

The HSE doesn't make it easy to reschedule.

The appointment notification text advises:
"If you need to reschedule this appointment, reply "New" to this text giving at least 24-hours notice".

I did and received the message:
"There was an error processing your message".
I checked with others who tried to reschedule and they all received the same message.

That's probably the reason the helpline is so busy.

I advised the helpline operator about this, who said she would pass it on to the IT section.
A few figures.
The data from the ECDC now appear to be updated twice weekly, so these will include half of this week. Week 49.

Total booster 1069302
They have administered almost 200k in week 48 and 47.

The data is difficult to make sense of as LTRC and HCW are also recorded under age groups.

So, I'll give the age groups first as I have reconciled those.

18-24 - 22,151

25-49 - 192,765

50-59 - 154,361

60-69 - 243,995

70-79 - 294,389

80+ - 161,641

Total 1,069,302

HCW are recorded under age groups above, but the data does further categorise them, same with LTRC .

Assuming they imputed the figures correctly

LTRC 29,461
HCW 220,344

There is no classification for people with underlying health problems but taking HCW, LTRC ,60 to 80+ out of the total, 119,472 people younger than 50 received the 3rd dose.

The population figures of each category from Odyssey06 post further up bare little resemblance to what's on the ECDC data.
I would also say that this data might not be complete due to the way the HSE is recording/not recording.

But bottom line, over 1m administered and weekly average 190k over the last few weeks
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In France recently, I received my booster vaccine.
No appointment needed, just photo ID (my passport) showing I fitted the age profile they were vaccinating, and details of previous vaccines done In Ireland (name of vaccine and date given). A clerk created my file, a doctor asked some health questions, a nurse administer the vaccine. After a rest period of 15 mins I was handed my covid pass details and QR code and told I could go. 30 mins start to finish. I scanned the QR code, it showed “invalid” for 7 days. After that it scanned as valid.
Have to hand it to the French, their Health System is very efficient.