Delays in rolling out vaccine

The regional state health ministers in Germany and of the central government will meet this evening.
The Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute recommends as of now that AstraZeneca will be only administered to only the over 60 years old's (men and women). People below that age can still get it if the doctor is ok with it and if the person was informed thoroughly about the risks. Wonder how many doctors will be ok with it in the first place.

That's a chance for Ireland to ask Germany if they have any spare AstraZeneca vaccines.
Personally, I wouldn't take Chinese or Russian vaccines. I probably won't take the AZ one either, although ultimately the brain clot issues may well be narrowed down to a specific cohort that I'm not part of (maybe, baseless speculation here, women taking oral contraceptive).
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I've been watching the nightly news for the past few weeks especially regarding "essential" people. To be honest I have no problem with Teachers, Gardaí, Fire Departments being classed as essential. Then there are the Hairdressers, Beauticians, Creche Workers, Supermarket Employees, Bus Drivers, Priests, Nuns, Traffic Wardens, Council Workers, Airport Personnel, Taxi Drivers, Mechanics, Building Industry, Utility personnel, Army, Navy, Park Attendants, Retirees, Dog Walkers, Professional Footballers, Disc Jockeys, Electricians, Plumbers, Milkmen (or Milkpersons), Joe Duffy, Painters, Carpenters, Jockeys, Forum Founders, etc etc all capable of making a case as to why they should get the vaccination before everybody else.

Policing that alone becomes an administrating nightmare and will help to reduce numbers receiving the vaccines. At least, the government is taking what is good about roll-out of the vaccine in the UK and trying to vaccinate as many as possible as fast as possible.

Let's hope we won't have any more interference from Hospital Managements or anybody else who themselves believe they should have some control over who should be vaccinated next.
Let's hope we won't have any more interference from Hospital Managements or anybody else who themselves believe they should have some control over who should be vaccinated next.
Do you seriously think that GP's aren't vaccinating their friends and families or older relations who are not yet at the front of the queue?
Do you seriously think that GP's aren't vaccinating their friends and families or older relations who are not yet at the front of the queue?
No. This is Ireland and we're not new to shooting ourselves in the foot.
We are due to get large deliveries of vaccines later this month and in to next month.

I certainly hope that the people in charge are ready to "go" with these vaccines and we don't have the usual cock up with deliveries, followed by the usual distractions and diversions that they make to cover their slow delivery.

Are the pharmacies on board yet regarding the rollout?
I thought the Pharmacies only get involved once the J&J vaccine arrives - the handling of the current vaccines are probably beyond most pharmacies

Why? Pharmacies have fridges just like GP's. The vaccines are not stored by GP's in -70 refrigeration units.
I thought the Pharmacies only get involved once the J&J vaccine arrives - the handling of the current vaccines are probably beyond most pharmacies
There's no reason why Pharmacists and Paramedics and Nurses and Vets and anyone else who has done the one day phlebotomy course can't administer the vaccine. Even the ones that have to be stored at very low temperatures can be stored in a fridge for a day or so.
Why? Pharmacies have fridges just like GP's. The vaccines are not stored by GP's in -70 refrigeration units.

Maybe - I thought I had read that. Yes they do have regular refrigeration but I know the protocols around handling and administering the vaccines are pretty involved. I know a couple of people who have been through the training and it's a lot more involved than regular vaccines. Not just the refrigeration issue. And they are having issues managing that across the GP locations - add in the pharmacy numbers and it gets a lot more complicated.

But maybe they will - I look forward to the stories of how vaccines get handed "incorrectly" because of last minute time pressure
Why is the HSE making it so difficult for people to become vaccinators?
They are being Garda vetted even though nobody under 18 is getting the vaccine and even if they were they would be accompanied by their parent/guardian.
You'd think they were trying to keep the plebs off the gravy train...

I get that - it's the increased logistical complexity I thought was the limiting factor. Especially when the current channels aren't max'd out. But maybe it will happen
We're not new to the State sector being utterly unable to properly regulate the private sector when it interacts with it.
Newsflash Purple! It was a Private Hospital Manager who dished out the vaccine to those in a Private School. You can't blame the Public Sector for that. Oh! That Gravy Train has always existed too. We can't have qualified university educated doctors without proof of Junior Cert success vaccinating people. What would the public think?
Newsflash Purple! It was a Private Hospital Manager who dished out the vaccine to those in a Private School. You can't blame the Public Sector for that.
So when the HSE delivers a pallet of vaccines and their directive is "follow the rules but we won't be checking" and the only vehicle of oversight is Twitter those who are paid to look after the States resources are not to blame?
Oh! That Gravy Train has always existed too. We can't have qualified university educated doctors without proof of Junior Cert success vaccinating people. What would the public think?
They'll think that they are all "heroes" and not think that they are susceptible to the same human weaknesses such as greed and selfishness as the rest of us and so won't question their motives. The only way a Medical Professional can possibly be less than perfect is it they are rich.
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Ah Purple, our Front Line Staff is beyond criticism, isn't there a newspaper published to provide more financial support in their favour, don't they still get free pizzas and money vouchers for hair appointments. How could you think corruption is alive and well within?