Delays in rolling out vaccine

Nobody knows but we need to find out and get solid evidence. It's not really going to change a lot with our rollout.
And if you delay the rollout of AZ significantly how many deaths will be caused among people who might otherwise have lived if they'd had the jab.

Fortunately there are other vaccines:
Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Sputnik V, SinoVax to name but a few. None of which have had brain clot issues.
Fortunately there are other vaccines:
Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Sputnik V, SinoVax to name but a few. None of which have had brain clot issues.

We don't know yet whether the AZ has had the blood clot issues that those countries who are having problems getting hold of them of them are " investigating " .
Those with a plentiful supply don't appear to have a problem with them ...
But good luck with the other vaccines - when they finally arrive in the Autumn ...
anyone know how long after these 4 people were vaccinated did they get brain clots ,maybe they were taking other types of medication etc which interacted with vaccine negatively

Iceland and Netherlands too.
But not the UK which administered 560,000 AZ & Pfizer jabs on Saturday alone.
Health authorities there say there is no record of any life-threatening side effects after nearly 26 million doses of both vaccines have been given.
I know whose data I trust which is just as well because both my kids received their AZ jabs over the weekend.
Prof Luke o Neill was very critical of the decision to suspend the AZ vaccine saying "they are not trusting science " that's a shot across the bows at Niac seen as they are supposed to be a scientific organisation. The fact that someone of luke o Neills stature has chosen to publicly criticise the decision is telling. He actually went on to say "it's very disturbing ".

The thing I find bizarre is the politicians hoping to get the AZ vaccine programme up and running within a few days.
Either you believe the evidence of extensive clinical trials and 70 million AZ doses administered already stretching back months or Norwegian medical authorities who have no hope of coming close to that sort of research before making a definitive decision.
And I said upthread it's more important to see the large numbers of countries not suspending their programmes than a few outliers who have.
Pausing AZ is the prudent thing to do, albeit a decision made easier by the dearth of supply here. I wouldn't take it at the moment.
Pausing AZ is the prudent thing to do, albeit a decision made easier by the dearth of supply here. I wouldn't take it at the moment.

I, like 70 million other people, have had mine without any side-effects whatsoever apart from a stiff arm.
My GP here thinks Ireland and the other countries pausing the AZ rollout is the equivalent of one of those mass panic attacks you occasionally read about where everyone loses the run of themselves but no-one really knows why.
Of course the long-term effect of this is to add fuel to the anti-vax doubters but more importantly it will cost lives
Stanley Pignal is the Economist's man in Paris.
He notes: " If you vaccinate 100,000 people over the age of 50 today rather than tomorrow, you save 15 lives, according to a French analysis. Germany has 1.7m AstraZeneca doses that are now not being administered. Delay all of those by a week, you're up 1785 deaths. "
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Germany had 6+1 cases (6 women 1 man - 2 died out of the six) during the 1.6 million vaccinations done with AstraZeneca
So that is basically 1 case per 228,571.40 doses
UK had 14 cases with 10 million doses - 1 case per 714,285.70 doses - but very possibly the UK did overlook some cases.
It is almost certain according to German experts that this due to the vaccine.
Most likely they will review the case and in one week vaccination with AstraZeneca will resume as the vaccination is generally still beneficial and is an acceptable risk.
Politicians were forced to pause here the vaccination with AstraZeneca. This is absolute necessary as otherwise skepticism of the vaccine would have just increased. Vaccination needs trust. For the average person like me for whom Covid is not a threat I do not see a reason why should I risk vaccination with AstraZeneca. But on the other hand the risk is small. If I would get all my freedoms immediately back after vaccination I might would go for it.

Germany has as well millions of Pfizer doses which are not administered. The bottle neck there is not the vaccine but the administration - if they just continue with Pfizer there would not be a difference in mortality right now for Germany. There will be only a short delay as more Pfizer doses need to be pulled out of their storage and redistributed.
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Just present people with the medical evidence (AZ poses a possible risk but extremely small) and then allow them to choose whether to get vaccinated with AZ now or wait for another vaccine later. Citizens are trusted to make such risk-assessments in many other areas (e.g. when choosing diets, holiday destinations, airlines, occupations and hobbies) and I can't see why they should be denied the same opportunity in this case.
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But there is absolutely no evidence that AZ provides any more risk than Pfizer - in fact all clinical trials point towards a lower risk of clots by those who have had a vaccine.Any vaccine.
The reality is this:
Pfizer have reported 25 cases of blood clotting in 11 million vaccinations.
Astrazeneca have reported 28 cases in 10 million.
Yet only one vaccine is currently being suspended.
Countries like Ireland are in the grip of a collective panic attack having lost their nerve under pressure from the poor vaccine roll out and are ignoring all scientific evidence being presented to them.
Frankly it's pathetically weak leadership and should be called out as such.
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AstraZeneca: 14 cases per 10 million in the UK and 7 cases per 1.6 million doses in Germany...
In Germany the patients who experienced that were not old...
And pausing the vaccination with AstraZeneca in Germany was done upon advise of scientists - no panic here at all.
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No doctor would administer that in light of the recommendation by the government not to do it. Governments paused, they will review it and very likely they will resume usage.
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An article in the independent today affirms what I said on Sunday, the taoisech ruled out asking joe Biden for the AZ vaccines they have when asked directly by cbs news. The Niac decision to suspend came just in time for his meeting with joe Biden. This can't be just coincidental because that suspension means he is on same ground as joe Biden vis a vis the AZ vaccine even though that vaccine is still central to our vaccine rollout and is expected to be very temporary. He did not want to ask joe Biden awkward questions about their hoarding of vaccines. Significantly it took a us media and not an Irish one to still ask him straight up.
And pausing the vaccination with AstraZeneca in Germany was done upon advise of scientists
Scientists who's job it is to make these decisions.
They're obviously all mad and overreacting. I know that, because a random guy in the internet said it!
Reactions: Leo
The Niac decision to suspend came just in time for his meeting with joe Biden. This can't be just coincidental
Absolutely Joe. You're into something here.
And to cover up the conspiracy, they've gone and managed to convince 10 other countries to also suspend the vaccination. They probably killed the people who have died in the first place, and orchestrated the timing of Norway's statement last week. Just to avoid Micheal having to avoid something he was uncomfortable asking.

It's a massive cover-up, and we should be demanding answers!
So, MM called Norway and they made up a story about blood clots while they were doing that he called Denmark and other countries to come out in solidarity once the Norwegians issued a statement on Saturday night. He then called the NIAC and they advised to stop using the Astrazeneca vaccine.
And all this was done so that MM didn't have to ask Joe Biden for AZ vaccines that are in storage pending authorisation by the FDA an independent authority in the US.
Of course let's not forget that the AZ contract when it received money from the US administration ensured that all US production stayed in the US.

If he pulled that off we are lucky to have him as Taoiseach