delay in payment of HSE pension lump sum

North Star

Registered User
We have a client who retired from the HSE as a Consultant in Oct 2017 and who still has not reeived his lump sum payment, despite many requests for payment. The client has provided all required documentation etc and has been told recently that as his hospital has yet to receive funding from the HSE to cover their 2018 lump sum payments and wont be able pay out the lump sum until this is resolved - despite our client retiring in 2017...
This looks like an unjustifiable stance from the HSE. Has anyone else had a similar experience or suggestions as to how pressurise the hospital for a speedy settlement of the outstanding pension lump sum amount?
Thanks in advance Vincent
Something does not add up in this scenario. HSE pension and lump sum payments are not paid out of local budgets but centrally. Was your client employed directly by the HSE or directly by a 'Voluntary Hospital'? Has he been in touch with national pensions management in Manorhamilton?
Hi Slim, the employer was a Voluntary hospital and yes we contacted Manorhamilton who directed us to raise it with the hospital directly.
At this stage we are trying to see how best to escalate this to get it resolved for our client.

Thanks Vincent
I would have thought the hospital is in breach of contract if they haven't paid the lump sum. Perhaps a strong solicitor letter reminding them of their legal obligations might move things along. Does your client know anyone else that retired in 2017 and is facing the same difficulties or is it just him? Strange case. The hospital is basically defaulting on it's financial obligations.
Hi Slim, the employer was a Voluntary hospital and yes we contacted Manorhamilton who directed us to raise it with the hospital directly.
At this stage we are trying to see how best to escalate this to get it resolved for our client.

It seems then that the matter is between the employee and the voluntary hospital, which, bar funding and other agreements, is independent of the HSE. Your statement "This looks like an unjustifiable stance from the HSE." seems unjustified in itself.

Your client, maybe, should make a complaint to the Ombudsman re maladministration in relation to payment of his pension.
It looks like a dispute between the hospital and HSE re funding generally.

Agree with above posters who say it should be the hospital your friend looks to for resolution. HSE Manorhamilton calculate the amount of pension and indicate whether it is payable but I don't think they hand over the funds for it specifically.
I have heard of this happening before. It may be because the person worked in many different hospitals during their career. Particularly as a junior doctor where 6 month posts would be the norm. The HSE has to get wriiten confirmation from all these separate payroll departments to clarify the persons pension contributions. If one doesnt reply then the whole process is held up. If the person did not inform their current employer that they were retiring well in advance then this process might not have started in time. I have heard of other postholders also having lengthy delays in getting their entitlements
Slim.. point taken; perhaps a fairer statement is that it is an unjustifiable stance from the Hospital...