declaration of trust


New Member
Hi, my question is can a declaration of Trust be backdated.

Purchased a house and living here 10 years and the house is in my patents name. I am looking to grt the house transfered to myself and a knowledgeable friend suggested that if there was a declaration of trust, this would avoid any cgt owed. I didn't realise at the time and I'm aware it's possible to have this backdated.

Can Anyone give me more information on this as I have searched but not finding anything if relevance
You need legal advice.

This is way, way, way beyond the level of a discussion forum.

Also unless there is something here that you're not telling us, using a backdated Declaration of Trust to dodge a tax bill could be construed as both fraud and deliberate tax evasion.

Hopefully that's not the position here.
It’s possible to backdate anything…if you’re Marty McFly and have a timetravelling DeLorean.

Otherwise, it’s a fraud, it’s dishonest, and it’s illegal.

‘Knowledgeable Friends’ can be dangerous.

EDIT: Was what Biff did a fraud? It probably was…