Death policies



Hi all, newby here. I was wondering if anyone would advise me on where to go to find out about death policies. Im not sure im explaining it correctly even. I have heard of policies where they pay out a lump sum when someone dies. I had a look at one policy and they only paid out on certain criteria. Ideally I would be looking for something where no medical was required, and they pay out even on existing conditions (ie paying out on heart attack when person has had by-pass)
sorry if I am being really morbid!!

Oh BTW, I did a search under "death policies" and nothing came up that was relevant.
Thanks in advance for your help.
have a look for life assurance

you can get it to cover the whole of the remainder of your life,
or just for a term, eg the next 10 years,

usually existing conditions are excluded, at least for some years at the start.

probably best to talk to a broker and get details.

before you go in you should know how much cover you want, for how long, or what you're willing to pay. also find out about exclusions.

other things too, but that should get you started.

to get a rough idea, go to [broken link removed]
on that page play with the cover and term
also read the questions section,
this should get you started on what you're after.