Dc scheme - managed fund



Any advice for a 62 year old that saw the value of a managed fund fall by €100000 in the last year.
2 options:

Take the loss and switch to cash


Wait out for another few years to try and claw back some of the losses.

It depends on whether the beneficiary intended retiring at 65 or can wait until later to try and claw back losses.
How much is your fund in total??
- how much of a % drop was €100000

If this is even a 10% drop then I dont think this post is reputable.

Did you not get advice EVER regarding selecting managed funds for pension?

I find it had to believe that you did not!!!

I think it may even be law that pension funds have to at least advise (if not force)
you to switch to safer pension fund options the closer you get to retirement.

I think it may even be law that pension funds have to at least advise (if not force)
you to switch to safer pension fund options the closer you get to retirement.

Advisable, yes.
Done automatically by some funds, yes.
Law, no.