NIB v. BOI online banking
I use both BoI 365 online and NIB's online banking. Both are similar, but I prefer NIB for 2 main reasons:
(1) With NIB you can set up your own payees as and when you like, change details, reference to appear on statement etc. With BoI you must ring a customer service agent (phone banking) for this. I suppose the intention is increased security in the BoI method, in that if someone later claims they weren't the one who added a payee and then emptied the a/c, they can go back and check the recording of the phonecall, but to be honest, I don't think the benefit outweighs the hassle.
(2) NIB seem to do electronic transfers faster. With BoI, they say to allow 3 working days for transactions, & in my experience it's always taken this long. The money departs from your BoI a/c immediately, but doesn't arrive elsewhere for 3 days. In the meantime, it's presumably sitting in some BoI holding a/c earning them interest.
With NIB, it may take 3 days, but I've also had transactions go through in just 1 or 2 days.
Also, if I remember rightly, BoI have a limit on how much money you can transfer in 24 hrs. NIB don't have a daily limit, but they do have a transaction limit, so if you want to transfer say €20k, without standing in line at your local branch, you can do so all on the same day with NIB (in 4 transactions of €5k each), whereas with BoI my recollection [though I haven't used BoI to transfer large sums in a while] is that you'd have to split it over a couple of days.
That said, I prefer BoI's on-screen display, where they give a running balance after each transaction. The NIB display only shows the current balance and a list of transactions.