Custody - 50/50 shared access


Registered User
I have posted on another thread in relation to relocating near to an ex, who was, and to a degree, stil is, very difficult to deal with. Previously, he tried to get 50/50 custody - with him having every weekend and me the midweeks only - so that he would not have to pay any maintenance - and informed me of this, though he has a good job. My solicitor now has informed me that she would advise me not to move close to him; that I could end up in Court again with him trying to gain 50/50 custody as we have joint legal custody and I would be living in same village/parish. I would like the children, despite his treatment of me, to have more access to their father, maybe seeing him after school in addition to Wednesday p.m's and every second weekend from Fri to Mon am. However, I dont' agree with children living in one house one week and then another the next week. Further, it is me who pays for all the extra activities (totalling about E450 p.m. ) my ex has tried to stop or refused to bring the children to on occasions in the past - currently children between them do 8 after-school activities. So just wanted opinion from legal eagles among you whther this 50/50 access is a possibility given that I will be a stay at home mum for the next two years at least, and given the fact that the Court Order states that I am the primary carer, and have been for the last 7 years, giving up work for three years previously, and since then working only part-time. My support network is in the village on Southside where ex lives in terms of family and friends, but have the option of moving instead to Northside to live. Any comments on the possiblity of 50/50 access greatly appreciated.