Croatian News-Trogir/Istria


Registered User
This morning's news here is after lifting the lid on a number of hotpsots in the country. It's pretty much a first and an attempt to not pander to the very heavy construction industry here. It's also well timed as the election build up is underway and 2 of the heaviest investors back the chief oppostion party, while the biggest in the country support the ruling regime, so it's open season on all.

1. Trogir Riviera, high levels of coliform (I hope that's right - but it's human waste) found in drinking water, especially on the mainland. Poor waste management has led to 2 beaches being closed for extensive clean up and this area has the poorest tourist swimming water ont he coast.

2. Istrian resorts are trying to clean up water as ammonia spills inland and nearby (a brewery were found to have "allowed" spillages from their plant in Karlovac and emptied cleaning supplies in Kvarner and above Rijeka), one man is in a coma as a result of the spill near Karlovac while the government are investigating why safety procedures were ignored in the disposing of materials.

There was a list of places all included and right now, on the radio (local Joe Duffy type show) there is a massive debate over why waste disposal from Montenegro is backwashing up to Dubrovnik.

Something to warm the heart!
Re: Croatian News

ps Istria and Trogir are two areas heavily touted for sales to UK and Irish investors, most of the time unchecked by the agents. And before I'm accused of a conflict of interest, my colleagues have dropped properties in the areas since they did an independent report for clients in late 2005.
Should be a bumper crop of Ston oysters this year with all that stuff in the water! :D
hahaha, very funny, I knew there's a reason why I dislike shellfish. I blame it on the time on Blackrock beach (Cu's local sun spot) when my Grandad pointed out the clusters of same around the sewage outlet pipes. I've a simple rule in Croatia, only eat freshwater fish, that wya you won't glow in the dark :)