Other Critical Illness Claim for 18y.o.


Registered User
I was wondering does anyone have experience of claiming on a critical illness policy for a child? My daughter first attended the doctor for being unwell around her 18th birthday. I dont know the exact date yet although I know she did get tests done the day after her 18th birthday. It took a number of hospital visits befoire they pinned down what was wrong with her which was probably 6 or 7 weeks after her 18th. My policy seems to be diagnosis before 18y.o. but is that the actual diagnosis of the condition or when she first attended the doctor? Any suggestions or advice on this welcome!! Thanks
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Sorry to hear of your daughter's illness - hope she's doing okay.

Unfortunately it's impossible to get a clear answer to your query without seeing the specific policy conditions booklet for the policy itself. They're not all the same. You should have received the policy conditions booklet with the original policy document when you took it out. Bring it back to the broker who arranged the policy for you - s/he should be able to give you the definitve answer.