credit card or personal loan

Also, when you say 'put down flooring and stuff', how much and what kind of flooring and what kind of stuff?

semi-solid flooring/tiles/ budget is €1.5K
i've calculated that all appliances in my kitcheen should come to €1.5K

If i have cash i'm sure i will get a discount. but if i use the CC i won't....
semi-solid flooring/tiles/ budget is €1.5K
i've calculated that all appliances in my kitcheen should come to €1.5K

If i have cash i'm sure i will get a discount. but if i use the CC i won't....

€1,500k for all that flooring is a bit on the optimistic side I'd say-but depends on the size of the apartment I guess.

I don't know how much discount you will get for cash v. credit card.
€1,500k for all that flooring is a bit on the optimistic side I'd say-but depends on the size of the apartment I guess.

I don't know how much discount you will get for cash v. credit card.

it could mean a microwave thrown in for free or a more durable washing machine
Are you crazy, You will in up in a world of debt using credit cards as loans banks love you if you do that. Go to des kelly get nice semi solid and ask someone how to put it down, we did our own solid beach flooring cos we are poor and we love it even more because we put it down! Go to the bank any bank will lend you 3k and spend wisely cos the bad times are cooming.... sorry to be so pesamistic but do you remember the 80s ..

Good luck

sinead the maid