Credit card implications




I have a friend who is need of some advice. He'd much appreciate anything anyone can give.

He is on the verge of leaving his wife who in any divorce would get the majority of the house and cash (no kids involved but it's very complicated). She refuses to sell and has only offered minimal money for him to go (which she wants btw) which makes him a little aggrieved as they've been together for nearly ten years and have a lot of capital in the house.

He's looking for ways of accessing this capital, whatever the means, before any divorce is commenced as he's guessing his assets would be frozen. He has an idea to get a loan or take out lots of cash on his credit cards and just leave. He's not bothered about what it does to his credit rating (again, complicated) but is it legal? Would his bank accounts be raided when he doesn't pay? Would his wife be made to sell the house on his and her behalf which is what he wants? If he tried to leave the country would he be 'met' at the airport?

He's not planning on having a 'permanent address' whatever happens btw.

Cheers guys

Tell your friend to get a good solicitor and ensure he gets what he deserves out of the separation. Running up credit card or other debt will not affect her share of the house but follow him around in his camper van wherever he goes.