Credit Card Debt writeoff ?


Registered User
Is it possible to negotiate a credit card debt write off ?

I owe about 1200 euros to a credit card company but i am also facing repossession and have mortgage arrears of around 40,000 on a 210,000 mortgage.

I am on low income and cannot afford to pay my card or my mortgage in full.

If i write to the credit card institution explaining my situation is there a chance they might write off my debt ?

Brendan is so correct.
The 1200 is not worth real chasing by CC company.
The MORTGAGE is your issue.
If you can pay interest ie circa 700 per month you will buy time and find a resolution. Lenders are not inclined to push very hard if genuine and realistic payments are made.
Do not be frightened into paying any other arrears etc other than your mortgage.
If you take time and full out Brendans Information required , you will get some good advice and may indeed see a solution.
But we need info ,please.
If you can not @ least cover interest ,your situation gets worse.