CP.exe ??




A colleague of mine is having a problem with her home PC. It runs on Windows 2000, and when she boots up her PC the following error occurs...

"Cannot Fin File 'CP.exe' (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available"

She just clicks OK and the boot up continues until she reaches her desktop when this error occurs....

"Could not load or run 'cp.exe' specified in the WIN.INI File. Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the references to it in the WIN.INI File"

where she again clicks OK.

Most of the applications are working fine, but she can't access the net.

Has anyone come across this before or know how it can be fixed?

Not sure what the specific problem is but you could try Googling for it.
Slapping in your Win 2000 CD and trying to fix the problem may do the trick too. If memory serves me right it has a diagnostic tool of some sort for fixing the OS.
Any chance that she previously installed CyberPatrol?


cp.exe seems to be a component of this package (although executable names are not unique so there are other possibilities - e.g. Unix style copy files utility etc.). win.ini is a configuration file which contains settings for one or more applications.

If CyberPatrol was previously installed then try uninstalling, reinstalling and reconfiguring it. Perhaps somebody inadvertently deleted/moved some of these files and this is why the utility is not working and internet access is blocked?

As ever with problems like this it makes sense to also check for viruses and other parasites while you're at it: