Could neighbours untidy garden stop my house selling?


Registered User
My house is now on the market since August. At the moment, it would appear to be worth €16K (and dropping) than the identical house sold beside me last Easter. I have decided that I can take the hit of the €16K, but once it goes down under that, I dont think its worth my while.

Over the past two weeks, I have had two offers both just within the borderline asking price, both of whom then pulled out.

A couple of weeks after I put up my for sale sign, my neighbour got someone in to put in wooden floors in his house. The old carpets, underlay, edging, etc were promptly dumped under his sitting room window in the front garden. They have remained there for the past four weeks or so. This evening, coming home I have noticed that the pile of has gotten considerably larger with now bits of worktops and wardrobes added and the pile is now advancing down the middle of the front garden. It now looks really bad, and I would be worried that this might definitely put people off.

I think at this stage, if I get any viewings for the not too distant future then perhaps I should cancel them? When I moved in first I had a similar problem in that one of their cars went on fire and they left it half burned out for about three months, without making any effort to move it. Eventually one of the other neighbours had to take the plates off it and it got moved!!!

I dont really think I want to approach them. They own the house so there is no landlord to whom I can report them. I know every person is entitled to do what they want to their own property, but when my other neighbour was trying to sell earlier in the year, I made sure that my grass was cut, garden tidied, etc to help her sell. They have lived beside me for the past five years, though I only say hello and goodbye to them, we have not had any cross words.

Would this put people off buying or am I just panicing at this stage? I was also thinking of offering to pay for a skip, as it is in my best interests to sell? Every night driving in, I am hoping its gone, but its getting gradually worse.

Thanks for any advice.
You are in no obvious rush to sell. If you think that you are losing up to €16K because of an untidy neighbouring garden then why not wait until the renovations are complete and the place tidied up?

On the other hand maybe you can't sell because you are looking for a price that the market will not bear right now and you need to drop?
I doubt if the rubble will put off any serious buyer - on the contrary, it's a positive sign that the neighbours care enough to renovate their property.

Perhaps the reason prices are softer than last Easter lies elsewhere?
Its only on the market since August. I wouldnt worry that much. Not that long. Make sure that you have your research done on prices locally and that your agent is making an effort. get someone to ring in looking for a brochure and to put in an offer possibly? Also ask what they are doing to sell the house? I wouldnt pay for a skip for the neighbours!! Ring the council and report them to environmental health . Tell them they have a dump in their front garden.
most likely he's waiting for the local kids to ask for scrap for their bonfire - but for god's sake don't get involved in the whole council/environment health thing.
No, I do not feel I am losing up to €16K because of an untidy garden. It is more because of the market in general. However, given the competiveness of the market at the moment, I want to do everything to give mine the edge and hopefully sell it first, down to keeping the front tidy, and even sweeping the front road.

The way the rubbish was strewn in the front garden had made it look like junk rather than builders rubble and was definitely unsightly to say the least.

I was in a hurry to sell, as I had put a deposit down on a new house, which unfortunately has since fallen through (this week) due to me not finding a buyer in time. (also I am not able to bridge the full €16K difference) I am still anxious to sell, but the panic is now off.

I think the EA is doing an ok job - my house is priced cheaper than the others in the Estate (too many on at the moment) and is one of the nicest(my opinion anyway), so hopefully if one sells in the Esate, it should be mine.

Anyway, bit the bullet and said it to neighbour this morning as the worktops had now made their way over the divide and into my garden. Anyway, he started the work six weeks ago and the builders went off on another job and did not reappear till yesterday. So obviously, he only wants to get one skip, which is fair enough. Work due to be completed over the next few days and area cleaned. Also said I could put stuff into skip if I was clearing anything out, so I might just take him up on that.

All I need now is the elusive buyer. I had an investor view the house during the week and he offered another €10K less than the asking price) EA said he was hoping I was desperate, but I would rather hold on. Its not an expensive house to begin with (currently on market at €358), so I think I might hold on a bit longer, as if it drops any further, whilst other areas are not having such a drop, I wont unfortunately be able to trade up.
It would depend on the buyer. An investor probably won't give a toss about the neighbours. An owner occupier, will very much care, though. The former are more likely to want to push the price down, while the latter may be desperate enough to push it up if they can afford the repayments. Thats just my opinion.