Cost of private school, anyone know what Gonzaga costs?


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Hi, would anyone know how much it costs to send a child to Gonzaga?

I have the prospectus ,but it doesn't say how much the fees are.

Ive goggled it and cant find any information relating to the fees.

In the prospectus it says we will be informed of the fees at a meeting .
Re: cost of private school,anyone know what gonzaga costs?

You know what they say, if you have to ask you cant afford it At a guess I dont think you will get much change out of 4.5k these days.
Re: cost of private school,anyone know what gonzaga costs?

At a guess I dont think you will get much change out of 4.5k these days.
Per term or per annum?

Maybe just give them a ring? If they aren't able to give that simple piece of information over the phone, do you really want to be dealing with that kind of snobbery for the next six years?
Re: cost of private school,anyone know what gonzaga costs?

I just searched for the words gonzaga and fees on and found an article from 2007, which stated that the fees were at that time 4155 per annum.

The Irish times publishes a list of the fees from all fee paying schools every year,
A bit of a search of their website might find that.
As private schools go, Gonzaga is up there with the best. I did'nt go there myself but I know a few friends who are past pupils and the feed back is excellent. If it's a private school you're after you wont do much better than Gonzaga.

(PS..I have absolutely no affiliation to the school)
My daughters friend goes to privite grind school and there are many Gonzago pupils doing grinds in her school at weekends I would like to think if I was paying that much money for their education already I wouldn't have to get extra grinds for them.
High results are more than achievable without going to a pretentious school.
If the kids aren't very bright some people are under the illusion that paying for it will give them brains. If the kids are intelligent in the first place then high results can be achieved, private or not.
Obviously their parents are not very bright either if thats what they think...
Anyone I know who pays for the child to go to a private school ,is mainly doing it for the milieu.
Presumably the same way you might measure the success of a the high results achieved by pupils
That measures little about the school. It measures plenty about the ability of parents to pay for grinds. the ability of parents to pay for PC/broadband, the ability of parents to pay for pre-schooling etc.
High results are more than achievable without going to a pretentious school.

Its so easy to generalize, the logical conclusion could be drawn that all fee paying schools are pretentious! Thats just silly.

If someone were to say all non feeing schools are skanger schools wouldn't that be a generalization..
I cant imagine someone from a working class area feeling very comfortable in gonzaga,nor could I imagine someone from Foxrock/Blackrock being very comfortable in say Tallaght national school.

Most parents try to keep their kids in the same milieu as the one they live in.
I think its a lot about this.It makes sense.

Results speak for themselves,In the area I live in the facts are that the non fee paying schools have very little to offer in terms of after school activitys,not great transition years, fewer subject choices, and a lot more of the kids from the fee paying schools go on to third level.
Naturally there is always an element no matter where the school is or how its funded.
I know from personal experience the difference between the two.And if I had the choice it would be for a fee paying school.
I would also like to add, that private schools are not all about points.
There are lots of parents who choose these schools for their facility's,ie;Gym, Pool, Hockey pitches, Tennis, Basketball, debating teams, Horse riding,Music.etc.
If they have a child who is not preforming academically this is a good choice.
I know of a kid who was in no way academic, but was amazing at art.She was sent to a local non fee paying school.
She didn't get into art in that school!.This was because a lot of the other kids wanted to do art.Even though she was brilliant at art,they couldn't facilitate her..
Realistically there are drawbacks on both sides ,its not as black and white as some would like to think.
Let's be honest: some people send their children to fee-paying schools in order to separate them from the riff-raff.
Let's even be more honest. Some parents forsake quite a lot to give their children the best education and upbringing they can afford. Simple as that.

Gonzaga is a good school, but there are others as good: St Michaels College, Ailesbury Road, is a brilliant school; Blackrock College is good, St.Andrews is a good Co-ed school. The High School was acknowledged last year as been top of the league for education -- obviously changed since I was there.
The Irish schools in south Dublin, stillorgan, Booterstown, are both excellent schools and are non fee paying.

They are at the top of the league on most occasions.

Once again there are only certain type of parents who choose to have the kids educated through Irish.

And they choose these schools because of the environment,ie; Irish speaking.
I believe most parents choose their kids schools based on this criteria.

People who don't want to send their children to private schools still have to make a decision as to which one you would choose to send your child too!

Would they choose the one with the worst facility's?

Would they choose the one where there are people similar to their child?

Would they choose the one that gives the child more options?

Would they choose the one they believe to have a better environment?

Would they choose the one with the worst reputation?

Would they choose the one with kids who are very different to their child?

Would they choose the one with the least facility?

Would they choose the one with the best reputation?

Would they choose the one that restricted their childs options?

People have choices and they choose according to their standands and values.

People choose what they believe to be in the best interest of the child.
Parents do all they can for their children,and if that means that they send them to a school that they ,and their children are happy in ,who are we to argue?

The point of this was to show that even if a parent doesn't send their child to a private school ,they do make decisions as to how suitable that school is!