Cost of moving Eircom Pole


Registered User

We are just finished building a new house just outside a village in Cork.
As part of the planning permission, the front ditch needed to be moved back by 2 metres or so. There was an Eircom Pole on the ditch that had to be moved before the ditch could be moved, so needed Eircom to do that. The cost from Eircom to do this work was stated as €3500, (approx can't remember the exact figure). This had to be paid up front before the work could be scheduled. The pole is being moved today, and will take between 1.5 to 2 hours. I'm not on site, so don't know how many Eircom staff involved, but lets say 3. Is it just me, or does this seem an outrageous amount for 2 hours work.

Anyone any suggestions here, or any similar experiences, do I have any recourse to claim a refund of some of the €3500 paid ?
You can probably claim half it back from taxman?. The cost is probably down to cables as well being moved or lengthened. I have an ESB pole not on my boundary wall. Got ESB out to move it but they wanted 3k (Punts) at the time, but I would only have to pay half and they would foot the other half. Because it was the last pole on the line they had to lengthen the wires. Plus they would of installed a new galvanised pole instead of the wooden one thats still there.

Needless to say I didnt go with it and the cost was too much at the time plus my neighbour didnt want to go halfs....Fecker....
There are some similar previous threads which may be of interest. If you run the search option in this forum only you may find some others.

IMHO if you have agreed/paid the rate with Eircom its a bit late to be having second thoughts. You also state that you are not on site so how do you know exactly how many staff are working on this project both to-day and at other times.
Don't understand how I could claim anything back from the Taxman ?

As for not being on site. My builder was there while this work was being carried out.

If the cost is mostly for labour, then its outrageous as it was 2 hours work at most.

The quote was just an estimate and they reserved the right to charge more if the work cost more. No mention of a refund if the work cost less than the estimate.

I am going to write to them and complain about the cost, and see what they say.
We had the same problem when we had to knock our ditch. Asked the guy driving the digger if he would move back the poles for us. A bit hesitant at the start but he did it at no charge. Had it done in half €3000 there! Feck em...