Contact number for


Registered User
I have a problem with where my credit card details seem to caught in a processing loop and my purchase will not go through. This status has been ongoing for two weeks.

Play have a number 0845 8001020 on their website. I have tried to ring it by putting 00 44 in front of it and dropping the zero but I just get a message saying service is unavailable. I also can't fro the life of me find an email address for them on their site.

Does anyone have a contact number for them? In addition, can we ring 0845 number from Ireland.
i think there is a link on the site where u can email. i had problems before and emailed them and they sorted it out very quickly
i think there is a link on the site where u can email. i had problems before and emailed them and they sorted it out very quickly

Thanks. Can you provide a link on the site or perhaps you might still have it? I can't find anything of the kind on the site.
Many many thanks guys. This number worked and I spoke to Play this morning to sort out my problem.

Definitely a number to note for the future.

I've been trying to call this number for a week and I keep getting an automated message saying the service is unavailable....anyone have any ideas? I ordered a Wii game on 26/11/08 and it still hasn't arrived!!! Apparently there's supposed to be a link on the website to report undelivered items but it's not working for me...

I also tried emailing [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] ...emails bounced back from the first two and I'm still waiting for a response from the 3rd one.

I really don't understand how they can get away with making it so ridiculously difficult to get through to them...I'd complain to them only I don't have any contact details :mad: :mad: :mad: