Considering investing with Investec but not happy with compulsory mandate agreement.

Up Rovers

Registered User
Hi All,

Just looking for people's views on this as we were going to sign up for an investment with Investec until we read their compulsory mandate form especially the second last paragraph

'Investec may use the information provided for the purposes of informing me/us of products and services that may be of interest or that Investec may disclose information to a member of the Investec Group for the purposes mentioned above. The disclosures envisaged may necessitate the transfer of information outside of the EEA, including South Africa'.

Phoned them to discuss and they confirmed that account cannot be opened without signing up for this.

Data Protection people have said to send on details and they will look at it but normally companies give the option to 'opt out' and not automatically 'opting in' which is exactly our reason for not going ahead.