Combining contributions


Registered User
Is it possible to count U.K. contributions towards your Irish ones, to make up for a small shortfall (8 contribs), in order to qualify for a Irish Old Age Contributory Pension, rather than a pro rata one?
Otherwise, is it possible to pay some voluntary contributions on retirement to try and make up this small shortfall?
You can have your UK contributions included with your Irish contributions but it unlikely it would help in this case. You may be better to take the lower rate of Irish pension and apply seperately for a partial UK pension.
Have you got a full record of your Irish contributions and credits.
What rate of pension do you expect to get
If you have less than 52 cons paid in the UK, these can be transferred (Article 48 (2)) and added to your Irish record.
Also, re voluntary cons, there are some conditions which need to be met:
‑ have at least 260 weeks PRSI paid under compulsory PRSI in either employment or self‑employment, and
‑ apply within 12 months after the end of the contribution year* during which you last paid compulsory PRSI or had a credited contribution ('credit').

(sorry don't know how to edit! :))
As the UK contributions are not classed as having the same value as Irish ones they may have the affect of lowering your rate of Irish pension.
There is a very complex formula used to calculate the rate when combining contributions.

Have you credits or homemakers years or change of status credits which might make up the shortfall.

Seems such a shame if you are so close
Due to ill health I have about 700 Irish credits emassed over the years....
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