Colourtrend paint...Ooops!


Registered User
Having my house painted (interior) this week and got Colourtrend paint for every room, problem is we rushed in to it without thinking the colour scheme through, the colours we selected are too strong and we want to change them. Rang the shop (Albany) and explained but they were having none of it, no way will they do return/exchange. They said the only other option I have is to buy some white paint and mix it to lighten the colours we selected.
I acknowledge that it was my own fault and I understand where they are coming from but are they entitled to refuse to exchange unopened tins? They never told me there was a no returns policy when I was buying it originally.
I think the reason why there is no refund/exchange is that the colour was specifically mixed for you and as such would probably not appeal to most people, therefore they would be stuck with it. I had paint mixed before and was told that there would be no refund/exchange and I was fine with it.

I do think that by mixing colour, you will get a far lighter shade. I would recommend phoning Colourtrend(they are in Celbridge I think) and speaking to somebody technical about what shade you actually want to achieve and what colour would be the best mix with it to get there.

Good luck with it.
Are you sure you made the wrong choice,you might be surprised when the color is actually on the walls.
Why don't you do an undercoat first and then decide
Did they mix the paint for you as I didn't read that they mixed it for you sepcifically? If not it is poor form of them not to take it back. If they mixed it for you then it is another issue. Like has been suggested call Coloutrend and see what they recommend and then try tooning it down. All the best. Optimistic
with the range of colours now available, very few are 'off the shelf', most are special mixes, so you can't return them.